Playing for Hours

Home Learning for Ages 3-5

Homeschool Resources:

Are you tired of endlessly searching the internet for free, beautiful, and educational activities for your 3-5 year old? Lessons that not only cover all the essential topics but are also easy to access and adapt to your schedule? Then you’ve come to the right place. Playing for Hours’ comprehensive and flexible lessons are designed to ignite a passion for learning in your little one and provide a solid educational base for their homeschool journey.

Letter of the Week is designed to bring the alphabet to life for your preschooler or pre-kindergartener by teaching them to recognize the letters A-Z and associate a word with that letter. The word is developed out into a theme that the child explores for an entire week. From nature activities and crafts to printables, books, and coloring pages, your child will be completely immersed.

Discover all that Playing for Hours has to offer and watch your child’s eagerness for learning grow!

Letter of the Week

A-Z themed activity ideas, interactive printables, coloring pages, & book suggestions.

Playing for Hours Blog

Homeschool inspiration, encouragement, and resources. Including what Letter of the Week looks like in our own home.

Alphabet Wall Display

Choose between a caterpillar or train to track your child’s progress and use for review!

Welcome to Playing for Hours! I’m Julie, a homeschooling momma of young children. I created this letter of the week because I desired a beautiful, and enriched, structured learning time with my sons.

Ages 3-5 is a pivotal time in a child’s education to blend art, nature, books, math and science. It should also be accessible and encourage moms. I hope letter of the week inspires you on your homeschooling journey.

You can read more about the inspiration that brought Playing for Hours to life here.