Who Lays Eggs?

Introduce your 3-5 year old to the taxonomy of animals.

— May 9, 2024

The best ways to teach a 3-4 year old is with play based learning activities and books. These play based learning activities can take the shape of turning sorting activities into games. The free printable included here will teach your child how to sort and which animal’s life cycles include eggs. At an early age we are already introducing our child to the taxonomy of animals. The best part is that the printable is easily turned into a game that creates an engaging purposeful play atmosphere.

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Preload information by reading books about egg laying animals.

Before beginning the printable activity I recommend reading books about different animals that lay eggs. One book that is a favorite is the DK Life Cycles illustrated by Sam Falconer. Since this book takes a comprehensive look at all sorts of life cycles it can benefit your homeschool in more than this one activity. For this lesson though it includes frogs, butterflies, birds, etc. You can also read about the mammals pictured here and their life cycles in the book as well.

You can retrieve a copy of the complete book list at Ee is for Egg. Download it all for free at the button below. There is also more activity ideas and coloring pages included. 

Options for printing the “Who Lays Eggs?” Printable

The printable can be printed on regular paper but I recommend one of these two options:

1) print on cardstock and cut out the animals.

2) laminate after printing on regular paper, then cut out animals. 

Turn the sorting activity into a game.

You can simply set your child down in front of the prepared printable and help them sort as they pick up any animal. But my boys prefer when it’s turned into a game. 

Step 1: Tape

Begin by placing rolled masking tape on the backs of the animals. Laminating the printable keeps the paper from ripping as your child removes the animal and places it on the laminated sorting paper. You can skip the tape all together and simply plan to place the cut-out animals on horizontal surfaces.

Step 2: Hide the egg and non-egg laying animals.

Then, I send my 3 and 5 year old to a separate room and in the living room I disperse the animals. The level of difficulty depends on the ages participating. For my 3 year old I simply lay animals on different surfaces or place them facing out around his eye level. If my 5 year old is included then I place some at higher levels, and slightly hidden behind objects.

When an animal is found the boys will cheer loudly and will both come running back. Then I will ask them, does your animal lay eggs or is it a mammal? They decide if the animal lays eggs or not and appropriately sort. I help, especially my 3 year old, the first few rounds. I am very specific to use the term mammal, this way they are hearing specific terminology to the classifying of animals.

Sorting practice for egg laying animals.

Sorting is the grouping of objects with similarities. Having your child practice with various manipulative math items is great practice. Such as by size, color, etc. But including sorting practice like this is an excellent way to slowly introduce your children into the taxonomy of animals.

Purposeful Play

Many topics and printables can be turned into games, just like this one. By simply having your child move their body they engage with the printable in a whole new way. They’re excited about finding a new animal and proudly proclaim what is depicted. As they walk it to the sorting paper it allows time to think about that specific animal before they place it. Overall, it’s a win for retaining the information and having the entire lesson be a success for your preschooler.

If your child enjoyed this activity, please leave a comment and let me know. Don’t forget to check out Ee is for Egg and the rest of the Letter of the Week.

Get the free printable below.

Who Lays Eggs?

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    Who Lays Eggs?

    Activity Instructions

    Materials needed
    Included printable
    *masking tape
    Prepare the materials
    1. If you want this activity to last you can print on cardstock or even on regular paper but then laminate it. This isn’t necessary though! I made the pictures in color, but you’re free to print in black and white if that is what you’d prefer.
    2. You can put all of the materials in front of your child and assist them in sorting, or you can turn it into a game of hide and seek. 
    Hide and Seek
    3. Place masking tape on the backs of each picture ( lamination helps in this game but you can also simply place the pictures on a horizontal surface).
    4. Throughout one room hide the pictures. The difficulty level will depend on the age of your child.
    5. Once your child finds a picture they will bring it to the sorting page and decide whether or not that living thing lays eggs or not. 
    6. Then they will go to find another one, and so on. 

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