Gg is for Grape

Lessons in science, math, and cultural studies for preschool at home.

— June 6, 2024

From making grapes dance to constructing buildings to learning about a Latin American tradition this week is an exciting one! There are even more activities offered at Gg is for Grape, check it out for the complete week’s lessons and free printable.

It is difficult to decide between all the different activities to do this week. However, based on our family’s needs I am able to select optimal lessons and planning that accommodate a five, three, and two year old.

My five year old has his own kindergarten lessons but all these activities can be explored further in depth to create an excellent lesson for him. My two year old is usually a tag along with our activities or I plan them for during his nap. Luckily, this week, he could participate in every lesson. And of course, all the activities are designed to pique my three year old’s curiosity and create a play based learning environment.

I hope that this will inspire you to implement structured learning in your home for your preschooler for various subjects. Follow me on Instagram for more behind the scenes inspiration to create structured learning time for your 3-5 year old.

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A Sample Schedule for Gg is for Grape

Monday highlight: Train car wall display & Grape counting cards

My boys love morning basket and I can’t speak highly enough of having this time to gather together. We read the themed books for the week first before moving on to my kindergartener’s books. To access the complete book suggestion list head over to Gg is for Grape.

We always begin our week by introducing the new letter using the Alphabet Train Wall Display. Mick, 3 years old, colors in the uppercase and lowercase letters. He then hangs the train car at the end of his train on the wall. He currently has seven letters hanging.

After this I used the math printable to allow him to continue practicing his number recognition of 0-5. It is a nice change from Apple Math if your child is struggling. He practiced with simple pointing and counting but you can also use clothespins and clip them on. 

Tuesday highlight: Dancing Grapes

Morning basket began our lessons and then we reviewed using a wooden alphabet puzzle. To reinforce the letters Mick has already learned I only supply him with those seven letters, A-G. 

After completing the puzzle we were able to complete the activity for the day. But it does require a bit of set up. The boys colored the first coloring page from Gg is for Grape while I gathered all the materials.

My eldest, Marty, was very excited to hear we would be “making grapes dance.” All my boys participated and enjoyed poking at the grapes to push them back down as they floated to the top of the glass. Marty and Mick listened to the details about buoyancy and the bubbles. Marty engaged in a bit more conversation than Mick but that is to be expected. Because of this it is an excellent science lesson for him. To read more about conducting the Dancing Grapes experiment with your child check out the post by using the link.

Wednesday highlight: Civil Engineering with Grapes

We used the alphabet wall display to kick start our day with review. First, we sang through the alphabet and pointed to the seven letters displayed. Then, I asked Mick to find letters by randomly selecting them and having him point. Once completed we enjoyed morning basket together as a family.

Now was time for a fun STEAM activity with all my boys. A simple set up, I brought out toothpicks and grapes while Mick colored his second coloring page. Once we were ready Mick learned about simple 2-D shapes while Marty focused on 3-D and the names such as pyramid and cube. Read about the entire activity and how to complete with your 3-5 year old click here.

Thursday highlight: 12 Grape Wishes

My favorite day this week. We began with a review using the alphabet puzzle. Then I kept the morning basket short and we ended by reading the Spanglish book A Song of Frutas by Margarita Engle. I chose to structure our day this way because this book leads us into our activity. 

Once we finish the book, I gather the grapes onto plates and bring them to the table. There we discuss the cultural tradition again that we read in the book. Once I’ve given the boys time to think about their wishes, we then get to eat the grapes. This activity is an amazing one to learn about traditions from other cultures and to teach your children to slow down and reflect. To read about the entire activity and see all it has to offer check out the post 12 Grape Wishes.

Mick’s wishes were relatively simple and some were downright humorous. Marty sat thoughtfully over each grape deciding what his wish was for the grape and that month. Mo enjoyed sitting with us and eating his grapes. 

Fridays are reserved for our homeschool nature group. We simply meet up with other families to explore and learn together in nature.

Did the science, math, or culture study pique your interest?

Science, math, and culture study are all found in one week’s worth of lessons for a preschooler. The activities are simple and engaging for the whole family! The lessons were able to be taken deeper for my five year old and they were kept light-hearted but educational for my three year old. Which ones will you do with your family this week? I’d love to know in the comments!

If you enjoyed these activities, check out the entire week’s worth of lessons at Gg is for Grape. Gg is for Grape is only one week in a 26 week curriculum for preschoolers to explore and learn the alphabet. Check it out at the button below.

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