
Your support keeps this accessible.

Letter of the Week is offered freely to support families on their parenting journey—whether they’re exploring home education for the first time or are seeking fun ways to engage their children in learning opportunities. 

If these lessons have helped you in some way, please consider giving back to keep Letter of the Week accessible. Thank you.

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Blessings to you and yours!


Letter of the Week

A-Z themed activity ideas, interactive printables, coloring pages, & book suggestions.

Playing for Hours Blog

Homeschool inspiration, encouragement, and tips. Including what Letter of the Week looks like in our own home.

Alphabet Wall Display

Choose between a caterpillar or train to track your child’s progress and use for review!

Welcome to Playing for Hours

Hi, I’m Julie. While you’re here, I hope you find resources, inspiration, and encouragement for your homeschooling journey.

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